I am Jim S, a guitarist with Asperger's Syndrome. My friends call me "Big J" or "Big Jim" (after another guitarist). I prefer "Big J" (so I can be more myself). I mainly play for friends and at parties, sometimes also at parties of friends or in small local groups. I am interested in other areas of remarkable talent/genius related to Asperger's Syndrome and other forms of autism because the knowledge of autism in the general public is still very limited, that's why I compiled the list below originally with the help of an established artist in my area who has also organized and judged many art exhibitions. I now mostly administer my website myself, sometimes with Paul's help, in particular for Marie's work (he now also has the password).
I think people have to be educated in the field of autism (this is my humble intention), otherwise if they believe doctors etc. prejudices will never be eradicated. The list will be updated if or when I find more artists I like and who have a website or a page I can link to. It would be great if all artists had a website to showcase their work. Sometimes I find beautiful single paintings or drawings by autistic people on Facebook or elsewhere, but cannot find a website under the same name. All the artists below are really stunning. I am proud of them and of this list, as it gives a clear overview of who they are.
New: I have added a poets section after the visual artists. As for the visual art, I need websites to link to, in this case with poetry of course (more than one or two poems, that is to say the artists should be more than occasional poets).
If you need to contact me to submit your site or your art, this is my email address: bigjim_guitarist@yahoo.com
PS: I also recommend this great website with autistic geniuses in all fields of life (not only art) if you are interested in the genius of autism: Autism Hall of Fame.  They were also very helpful and kind when I contacted them to ask if I could use some of their names.
Visual Artists
Mikey Allcock
Trent Altman
Shanade Aylett
Neri Avraham
Oscar Azmitia
Nick Bair
Chris Baker (hyper realistic artist,personal website)
Chris Baker 2 (TV interview)
Danny Beath
Shawn Belanger
Nekea Blagoev
Nora Blansett
Henry Bond
Justin Canha
Jack Carl
Camilla Connolly
Marcy Deutsch
Marie Faverio
Paul Fulton
April Dawn Griffin
Iris Grace Halmshaw
Ryan Hazley
AK Hevonen
Peter Howson
Filya Justin
Deirdre Kenney
Christopher Knowles
Amrit Khurana
Amanda Lamunyon
Trent Landreth
Jonathan Lerman
Jonas Lundström
Michael Madore
Grant Manier
Nicole Musser
Nele Muylaert
Peter Myers
Michelle Marie Newman
Nicole Nicholson
Jessica Park
Lisa Perini
Christophe Pillault
Colleen Ranney
Nik Sebastian
Steve Selpal
Mikaela Sheldt
Anna Silivonchik
Kambel Smith
Ryan Smoluk
Michael Stobierski
Kirtanraw Subramanian
Satoshi Tajiri
J. A. Tan
Beki Tara
Raj Singh Tattal
Stephanie Tihanyi
Gilles Trehin
Sarah E. Vaughn
Richard Wawro
George Widener
Danny Williams
Donna Williams
Stephen Wiltshire
Ping Lian Yeak

Beautiful Poems about Inclusion (Trapped by Emily Atkinson-Dalton; Autistic Pride by Marie Faverio; Build Me a Bridge by Thomas McKean)

More Poets:
Sydney Edmond
Erik Estabrook
Marie Faverio
Gretchen Leary
Scott Lentine
Nicole Nicholson
Christopher Robbins
Donna Williams